╘Finder Commands╒ is a Control Panel Device that allows you to add and delete command-key combinations to the Finder╒s menus.
Finder Commands makes use of two new capabilities of System Seven in order to install your custom command-key combinations at startup: Aliases and Startup Items. To accomplish this you select Finder Commands in the Finder and choose ╘Make Alias╒ form the Finder╒s File menu. The alias file that is created you drop into the ╘Startup Items╒ folder inside of the System folder. That╒s it! From then on, whenever the Mac starts up (without the Shift key held down) Finder Commands will install your set of command keys into the Finder╒s menus. I have installed a command-key on the Finder item of the MultiFinder menu so that I can return to the Finder from within any application without taking my hands off of the keyboard!